Captain America Brave New World 2025


Captain America Brave New World

“Look if we can't see the good each other then we have already lost the fight”
-Captain America Brave New World

We fight. We fight against our inner natures, we fight against ourselves and we fight against those perceptions of ourselves that we know are untrue. That is the key isn't it, perception. Perception is the downfall to any true understanding. Often block us from the source, not allowing us to gain a solid basis for the truth that we seek. Now, I am not naïve, not all sources are reliable. People are always going to be people, with all the flaws and failures that that stage of being entails. Though the need for open dialogue stands, no matter the case.
At first indicators Captain America Brave New World seems to be ushering us into a new era for the Marvel cinematic universe. Yet with all good stories their desired intent often leads us down well-worn paths in interesting new ways, it is no different here. This film exudes the true nature of a superhero. It is a political thriller that reorients us back to the true hope of democratic politics. A hope built on the desire to be a fully unified nation. Captain America Brave New World does not point fingers, it is trying to open a dialogue and it does it in an honest and exuberant Marvel-esque way by showing superheroes as the mediators of hope and understanding.
Exhilaratingly probing in all the right ways this film examines what it means to be human in a world where superheroes exist. Yet, this humanity does not disavow us of our ability to achieve the stature of a hero in our own way. Director Julius Onah and his team offer us a new world that is built on heroes that understand their past and what it means to be truly human. We all have the power to change, we just need to be given the opportunity to do so.

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, and some strong language.

I found Captain America Brave New World to be entertaining, visually enthralling, meaningful and thought-provoking. I hope in some way you do too.

Captain America Brave New World is currently available to watch in theaters.


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