
Showing posts from February, 2025

Captain America Brave New World 2025

  Captain America Brave New World “Look if we can't see the good each other then we have already lost the fight” -Captain America Brave New World We fight. We fight against our inner natures, we fight against ourselves and we fight against those perceptions of ourselves that we know are untrue. That is the key isn't it, perception. Perception is the downfall to any true understanding. Often block us from the source, not allowing us to gain a solid basis for the truth that we seek. Now, I am not naïve, not all sources are reliable. People are always going to be people, with all the flaws and failures that that stage of being entails. Though the need for open dialogue stands, no matter the case. At first indicators Captain America Brave New World seems to be ushering us into a new era for the Marvel cinematic universe. Yet with all good stories their desired intent often leads us down well-worn paths in interesting new ways, it is no different here. This film exudes the t...

The Gorge 2025

  The Gorge ”If you are lonely when alone, you are in bad company.” “Everything is a dangerous drug except reality, which is unendurable.” “You bury enough secrets, the graveyard runs out of room.” “Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth.” -The Gorge Silence, it is one of those rare instances that can be both peaceful and full of fear in the same moment. In today's world silence is seemingly a luxury that we can't afford. Though, as I think about it, It may be more honest to say that silence is a luxury that we often disregard because it makes us face our deepest fears. Perhaps The greatest barrier to assuaging these fears is believing that we have to face them on our own. Though, that is simply not true. There is always help out there. We just need to know where to look. The Gorge is simply unique in how it approaches this idea of facing our inner demons. The tale of two military snipers keeping guard over a mysterious gorge is a lesson in...

Wallace and Gromit Vengeance most Fowl 2024

  Wallace and Gromit Vengeance most Fowl “The robots, they're taking over the world. They'll destroy us all, I tell you.” “Then where is the Blue diamond!” “That's just an innocent nun out for a pleasure Cruise.” Let's cut to the chase, Wallace and Gromit Vengeance most Fowl is a delight from start to finish. The film's simplicity shines evoking a sense of inventiveness and creativity that few films manage to achieve. I know what you're thinking, how can a film be simple but yet inventive in the same instance? The answer, care and passion for your work. The folks over at Aardman animation are able to accomplish so much because they deeply understand the medium that they are working in. Stop-motion animation is a hard sell nowadays. This tedious process of moving a maquette inch by inch second by second until you achieve a completed animation is a laborious process. Yet, Aardman clearly enjoys the art of patience because their work definitely speaks for itsel...

American Primeval 2025 Limited Series

  American Primeval “He knows our real name.” “Are you ready to run?” “By chance did anyone else escape?” “No.” -American Primeval      What do we gain when we seek freedom, but lose sight of our humanity in the process? American Primeval is a striking portrait of the dignity of the human person, and the tragedy that can arise out of misunderstanding that dignity. This miniseries does double or triple duty on so many thematic and visual levels. Yet, it never loses that central core of humanity. That driving force, reminding us that we all are human. All we need to do is understand that fact to appreciate the true value of the human experience. A simple truth, I know. It is perhaps a bit naive as well though, it never negates the facts of the matter. If we can learn to understand the dignity of others, we ultimately gain a deeper understanding of our own dignity as a human being.      This stark Western drama is a journey that longs for freedom. Set a...