
Showing posts from 2014

Cheer for the Victor: Rethinking Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

There is one sentiment that seems to hold true among my friends and I regarding the fourth film in the Harry Potter series. That is that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is not a great film. With its apparent overacting and disregard for one of the most entertaining sequences in the novel the film has left us cold and unsatisfied  at every re-watching. Thus was my thought as I settled in to watch all the Harry Potter films this Saturday                 Yet something intriguing happened, as I watched Dumbledore speak to the students of Hogwarts about eternal glory and the challenges that lie ahead in the Tri-Wizard tournament. I understood. I understood why the acting was punched up to 11, and why everyone seemed to be yelling at no one in particular. And I understood why everyone looked like beefed up rugby players. This is not a Harry Potter film I thought,  this is the greatest rugby match ever...


the reason  I haven't blogged for such a long time is because I am attempting to write two books, one of which is all about videogames and the other about films. I was debating whether or not to  post some of the content for the books up on this blog, but in the end I realized that they both work better in the larger form of a book than they do in  smaller form of a post. I will however attempt to update this blog more frequently with new and I hope interesting analyses, reviews and other insights Sorry it has been so long and thank you for reading Jed Qurnse