From the Shelf: Modern love
One of the most noteworthy aspects of Amazon’s original series Modern Love is its episode length. With each of the anthology series’ eight episodes clocking in at 30 minutes or slightly over, Modern Love accomplishes something rarely seen in television today, the power of brevity and poignancy. The shorter format ironically allows for more depth because the writers cannot beat around the bush they have to get straight to the point. In short, in a world where we are constantly seeking the grounded nature of the “Real” and the depth of an ocean the series is a breath of fresh air. Without surrendering to the clichés of overindulgent emotionalism the series strives to challenge the seemingly ever present notion that length dictates quality, or that quality is dictated by the show’s ability to be emotionally draining. The show seemingly does so much with so little that it comes across almost effortlessly in its dialogue and awareness of human behavior. Perhaps that is why it is so ...