
Showing posts from April, 2019

How it begins: Short Stories of Love and how it ends

2 A Touch of Love Olive Snook is right, “We all need to be touched.”                             It would be very easy to enlist the aid of Pushing Daisies in the Puritanical battle against sex. Dead girl is brought back to life by the man she loves. Dead girl cannot be touched again by said reviver, otherwise she will be dead again forever. However, to reduce the show to a touch no touch line of analysis is not only reductive, it also drastically under minds the creative team’s ability to craft a compelling story. Pushing Daises is defined by touch and intimacy it oozes out of it dialog like a slice of warm apple pie. Connection is the engine that drives Pushing Daises towards its most thought-provoking insights. Yet, as expected with a story of this sort connection is rather difficult to come by, as indicated previously retouching the resurrec...

A Father’s Love Rediscovering the Empty Tomb

1 The Deathless Prophet “ He was right! It was everyone else who was wrong!” I wish these words had elicited the same emotions back in 2016 when I heard them for the first time, as they do now, as I write them on this page. Lara Croft was my sister after all. I was eight when this young lady came into our house full of life and joy. She was the connective tissue between a physically broken son and a physically outgoing father. The computer was her bassinet and  Tomb Raider her beating heart. It’s funny, as I recall now, I don’t remember my dad every reading us a bedtime story or tucking us in at night.   What I do remember is the hum of the computer fan as it burst to life and the rhythm of my breath as I crawled across the old burgundy colored carpet, not wanting to get into my wheelchair.   Who needs a wheelchair, dad is playing computer. Dad is playing computer! This was our nightly ritual, me sitting on my knees and my brother sitting on an ol...