
Showing posts from August, 2016

From the Shelf: A Little Princess (1995)

    There is a moment in the 1995 adaption of A Little Princess where you realize it is a film and for most cases that is not a good sign. However for this particular film it is one of its greatest strengths, being one of the finest advocates to the impact of an image. A Little Princess thrives with its elegant camera work by a Emmanuel Lubezki and masterful direction by Alfonso CaromThere is so much I could say about the film in its simplicity and sense of melancholy and joy. Though, A Little Princes is better seen and not heard.      It is almost too easy to bury this film with superlatives and praise case in point the above paragraph. In all honesty I don't care because this is one of the few films that actually deserves it. This is a film that deals with loss, love and the connection between a father and a daughter in a way that doesn't come across saccharine but sincere. A Little Princess is a case study in what it means to be a film for all ages. S...