
Showing posts from July, 2016

Tale as old as Time: the love story of Disney's Beauty and the Beast "

"Vincit Qui Se Vincit"                                            – Beauty and the Beast  Introduction  Stained-Glass      This Latin phrase is what kick started my love for film. Not the phrase itself, but what it represents in terms of the power of an image. Translated the phrase reads, "He who prevails over himself is twice victorious". Another translation is, "He who conquers is he who conquers himself". A picture may be a thousand words but apparently all you need is four to change a person's interpretation of a film, because that is what happened to me.      These four unassuming words adorn the first stained-glass window in the prologue to Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Unreadable by most, yet this simple phrase offers a glimpse into the heart of one of the most enduring love stories of all time. This story is ...

Tale As Old As Time: The Love Story of Disney's Beauty and the Beast

Introduction                                 " Vincit Qui Se Vincit""                                                                        – Beauty and the Beast          This Latin phrase is what kick started my love for film. Not the phrase itself, but what it represents in terms of the power of an image. Translated the phrase reads, ""He who prevails over himself is twice victorious"". Another translation is, ""He who conquers is he who conquers himself".   A picture may be a thousand words but apparently all you need is four to change a person's interpretation of a film, because that is what happened to me.       These four unassuming words  adorn the first s...