The Reality of the Image: A Brief Overview Benny's Video
Benny's Video offers two quandaries first, what is reality? Second, why is society so enthralled with the idea of the image to the extent where they negate the powerful effect it has on the human psyche? The film answers these questions in rather an alarming and unsettling way. It in fact does not so much answer these questions as it does illustrate how powerful the image can be. The film offers a portrait of an average family (father, mother son,) albeit one where the father and mother are distant and unaware of their son's struggles. As a result Benny (the son) tries to find acceptance and understanding in the realities of television and film. His gravitation towards these realities however, makes him forget what is real and what is not. Benny's separation from his parents also makes him seek out a relationship with a young girl. This relationship shows Benny’s need for connection, a connection that is real and not ...